
PXL-Music is a three-year course to become a professional bachelor in pop and rock music. It contains all the elements of the contemporary pop and rock world: Courage, innovation, coincidence, the play with the moment, insight, feeling, boundlessness, history, spirit… in short: rock ’n roll. These are keywords that resonate though all layers of our course. Our teachers, students, alumni, the environment and the air: they are filled with this attitude to life. The world of pop music is a world of experience. It’s the beginning and the end. Everything in between is the construction and handling of it. This means volatility, playing with the moment, responding to possibilities, externalizing a feeling into a sound, ambience, pleasure. A pleasure that is made of knwoledge and skill. A pleasure that grows and explores the world.

PXL-Music is:

Gert Stinckens (head of department)
Stijn Segers (development and communication)
Conrad Hayen (coördination MUM)
Filip Heurckmans (coördination MUT)
Arne Van Petegem (coörindation MUZ)
Davina Vanduren (administration)
Alessio Dituri (logistics)
Mieke Boes (student guidance)

Mirko Banovic, Dienne Bogaerts, Robin Breughelmans, Joris Caluwaerts, Thomas Coene, Wim Daans, Davy Deckmijn, Frank Duchêne, Danielle Gielen, Sara Gilis, Laurens Grossen, Conrad Hayen, Arnout Hellofs, Filip Heurckmans, Roman Hiele, Peter Houben, Dis Huyghe, Tom Janssen, Wim Konings, Kirsten Kramer, Erik Loots, Steven Maes, Jo Mahieu, Arthur Moelants, Stefaan Moriau, Jan Pauly, Willem Petersborg, David Poltrock, Nicolas Rombouts, Pieter Jan Seaux, Stijn Segers, Wim Schreurs, Patrick Steenaerts, Marc Steens, Sander Stuer, Katrijn Steyvers, Roos Strobbe, Tom Tiest, Lesley Troquet, Yves Van Moerbeke, Arne Van Petegem, Stijn Verdonckt, Jan Viggria, Micha Volders, Luc Weytjens, Toon Walgrave, Valerie Wynants

PXL-Music Research:
Brecht De Man

You can find more information on PXL-Music (in Dutch) here.