Alumnus / People

The tunes of Frederik De Clercq are good for your children

After graduating as a professional musician at PXL-Music Frederik De Clercq collaborated with the team of PXL-Music Research to compose music for a tablet based game for hospitalised children.

Every day, children are being hospitalised for various procedures. This is often accompanied by fear, anxiety and pain. PXL Healtcare, PXL Smart ICT and PXL Music Research set up a joint venture to develop a tablet based game that informs and calms children before their first hospital admission: HOSPI. Frederik made field recordings in hospitals and used these to enhance the experience of the game. The game seems to have a calming effect.


Frederik works as a musician (composer, songwriter and singer) and sound artist. He creates podcasts and various other sound works. He works for the Belgian theatre group Het nieuwstedelijk among others. He made live music for their piece Esperanto.

Check the music of the theatre piece on Frederik’s Soundcloud:


Frederik graduated from PXL-Music in 2015 with his project This Is Hert.


You can find more info on Frederik on